About Us

The National Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund has sponsored legal assistance programs for whistleblowers for over three decades. The Fund’s primary goal is to help connect whistleblowers with private sector attorneys to provide them with representation. The Fund accepts intakes from government and private sector whistleblowers and reviews cases concerning climate, retaliation, qui tam, and lawsuits filed under the Dodd-Frank Act, among numerous other laws.

Our Trustees

Mary Jane Wilmoth

Fund Trustee

Stephen M. Kohn

Fund Trustee

Michael D. Kohn

Fund Trustee

David K. Colapinto

Fund Trustee

The Fund is independent of the NWC, but provides legal representation to the NWC and helps fundraise for the NWC. Neither the National Whistleblower Center nor the Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund can provide legal advice as part of the Attorney Referral Program (“ARP”) intake process. To ensure the independence of the referral process, neither the Fund nor the NWC refer cases to themselves or attorney-employees or directors of these organizations.

Rules for Whistleblowers


Whistleblowers need to understand their legal rights. Understanding the laws that may cover you will help you in finding an attorney. It will enable you to explain the legal basis for your case and “sell” your case to counsel.

Additionally, understanding your legal rights is essential in protecting your job and in ensuring that your disclosures are lawful and covered under the whistleblower law.

Also, many whistleblower laws permit whistleblowers to qualify for rewards. These include the False Claims Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Internal Revenue Act, the Securities and Exchange Act, the Commodity Exchange Act, and the Auto Safety laws, among others. Whistleblowers need to understand how these laws work to ensure that you qualify for a reward if permitted under law.

To help you understand your rights. The Fund has several resources available to you.

Protecting Whistleblowers.
We’re Here for You.