Protecting Whistleblowers.
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Stephen M. Kohn

Stephen M. Kohn

Fund Trustee

Stephen M. Kohn is one of the nation’s leading whistleblower attorneys. A founding director of the NWC, he is the author of eight books on whistleblower law, including  Rules for Whistleblowers:  A Handbook for Doing What’s Right (Lyons Press 2023).  An attorney licensed in Washington D.C., he became a Trustee of the Fund in 1997.

Mr. Kohn also serves pro bono as the Chairman of the Board of the National Whistleblower Center and is a partner in the whistleblower law firm Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto.  His primary litigation focus includes representing whistleblowers under the Anti-Money Laundering laws, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the IRS whistleblower law, the Dodd-Frank Act, the False Claims Act, and reward laws covering SEC whistleblowers.  In 2012, the Kohn represented the first whistleblower to obtain a financial reward over $100 million ($104 million awarded to UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld).  He has obtained two of the top ten awards given to whistleblowers under the SEC’s Dodd-Frank program.  His client Howard Wilkinson exposed the largest money laundering scandal in history ($230 billion laundered from Russia and former Soviet Republics into Western banks), resulting in over $2.5 billion in penalties paid by the Danske and Deutsche Banks.  In 2022 he led the campaign to enact the AML Whistleblower Enhancement Act, providing mandatory rewards for whistleblowers who report violations of the Bank Secrecy Act and U.S. sanctions requirements.

Read Stephen M. Kohn’s full biography or contact Mr. Kohn.

The Fund is independent of the NWC, but provides legal representation to the NWC and helps fundraise for the NWC. Neither the National Whistleblower Center nor the Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund can provide legal advice as part of the Attorney Referral Program (“ARP”) intake process. To ensure the independence of the referral process, neither the Fund nor the NWC refer cases to themselves or attorney-employees or directors of these organizations.