Protecting Whistleblowers.
We’re Here for You.

Mary Jane Wilmoth

Mary Jane Wilmoth

Fund Trustee

Mary Jane Wilmoth is an attorney licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia.  She was named a Trustee of the Fund in 1997.   Ms. Wilmoth also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Whistleblower Center.

Ms. Wilmoth started her career as a whistleblower lawyer in 1993, being named the National Whistleblower Center’s first Public Interest Law Fellow.   A highly effective whistleblower attorney, she served as co-counsel in the nuclear whistleblower case Hobby v. Georgia Power Co., where the presiding judge noted Ms. Wilmoth “brought significant specialized knowledge” to the case and “demonstrated skill and experience.” Hobby v. Georgia Power Co., Case No. 90-ERA-30 D&O.

Ms. Wilmoth has advocated for whistleblowers for over thirty years. In addition to her position as an attorney, Ms. Wilmoth developed the NWC and Fund’s internet presence.  She is an editor and publisher of Whistleblower Network News,  and has served as a leader of highly successful public advocacy programs, which have resulted in major legislation and policies advancing whistleblower rights.

Read Mary Jane Wilmoth’s full biography or Contact Ms. Wilmoth.

The Fund is independent of the NWC, but provides legal representation to the NWC and helps fundraise for the NWC. Neither the National Whistleblower Center nor the Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund can provide legal advice as part of the Attorney Referral Program (“ARP”) intake process. To ensure the independence of the referral process, neither the Fund nor the NWC refer cases to themselves or attorney-employees or directors of these organizations.